Refund Policies

Refund policies for each program are listed below. If you have any questions about these policies please contact the club treasurer.


General Refund Policy Acceptance or registration on a Colorado Tier Hockey Association (“CTHA”) dba as Rocky Mountain RoughRiders (“RMRR”) team confirms a player’s commitment to the team, the Club, and the fees associated with membership for a full season. Any policy that would allow players to enter and/or leave the program, after making the initial commitment would jeopardize the success of a team. Although CTHA is under no obligation to do so, in exceptional circumstances the Board of Directors may, at its sole and absolute discretion, approve a full or partial refund. All requests for refunds must be submitted, in writing accompanied by a Refund Request form, to the Treasurer of CTHA for consideration and approval by the Board of Directors. Any pro-rated adjustment or refund of association fees will be determined on a case by case basis. Approved refunds will be issued on or about April 30, 2022. A $50.00 administrative processing fee will be charged. Significant Injury The Board of Directors are under no obligation to approve a refund. Should a significant hockey- related injury occur while participating in a Rocky Mountain RoughRiders (“RMRR”) event that prohibits the player from participating in the normal activities of the organization, a Responsible Party may initiate a review of the player’s fees by completing a Refund Request form. Additionally, for your appeal to be considered, you must submit medical documentation and a written opinion by the attending physician to confirm the severity of the injury and prohibition of the player returning to play. Any pro-rated adjustment or refund of association fees will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Approved refunds will be issued on or about April 30, 2022. A $50.00 administrative processing fee will be charged. Specific Policies Upon signing the Offer Letter and/or Player Financial Agreement, which are, independently, binding financial agreements, the Responsible Party agrees to pay a non-refundable club charge of $5,000.00. The Responsible Party understands that he/she will be liable to CTHA for this $5,000.00 club charge, regardless if the player is rostered for the Rocky Mountain RoughRiders for all, some or none of the season. No refund will be granted including, but not limited to the following reasons: • December 16th or later • Quitting hockey • Joining another organization • Academic performance • Scheduling conflicts • Disciplinary actions • Short term injury, illness, or absence • Dissatisfaction and/or problems with any members and personnel of CTHA, the RoughRiders® organization, all other hockey governing officials and associations, including, but not limited to billet families, coaches, teammates, ice officials, leagues.

RR AAA Spring Development

Please reach out to Greg Vanover.

Spring Elite Training '06 -'12

General Refund Policy Acceptance or registration on a Colorado Tier Hockey Association (“CTHA”) dba as Rocky Mountain RoughRiders (“RMRR”) team confirms a player’s commitment to the team, the Club, and the fees associated with membership for a full season. Any policy that would allow players to enter and/or leave the program, after making the initial commitment would jeopardize the success of a team. Although CTHA is under no obligation to do so, in exceptional circumstances the Board of Directors may, at its sole and absolute discretion, approve a full or partial refund. All requests for refunds must be submitted, in writing accompanied by a Refund Request form, to the Treasurer of CTHA for consideration and approval by the Board of Directors. Any pro-rated adjustment or refund of association fees will be determined on a case by case basis. Approved refunds will be issued on or about April 30, 2022. A $50.00 administrative processing fee will be charged. Significant Injury The Board of Directors are under no obligation to approve a refund. Should a significant hockey- related injury occur while participating in a Rocky Mountain RoughRiders (“RMRR”) event that prohibits the player from participating in the normal activities of the organization, a Responsible Party may initiate a review of the player’s fees by completing a Refund Request form. Additionally, for your appeal to be considered, you must submit medical documentation and a written opinion by the attending physician to confirm the severity of the injury and prohibition of the player returning to play. Any pro-rated adjustment or refund of association fees will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Approved refunds will be issued on or about April 30, 2022. A $50.00 administrative processing fee will be charged. Specific Policies Upon signing the Offer Letter and/or Player Financial Agreement, which are, independently, binding financial agreements, the Responsible Party agrees to pay a non-refundable club charge of $5,000.00. The Responsible Party understands that he/she will be liable to CTHA for this $5,000.00 club charge, regardless if the player is rostered for the Rocky Mountain RoughRiders for all, some or none of the season. No refund will be granted including, but not limited to the following reasons: • December 16th or later • Quitting hockey • Joining another organization • Academic performance • Scheduling conflicts • Disciplinary actions • Short term injury, illness, or absence • Dissatisfaction and/or problems with any members and personnel of CTHA, the RoughRiders® organization, all other hockey governing officials and associations, including, but not limited to billet families, coaches, teammates, ice officials, leagues.

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